Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Exclusive Interview with Raydyant!!!


We got a chance to see Raydyant's performance recently at Cy Harp's Dead Serious concert. Many artists were there performing, but something stood out about this guy Raydyant. You could see the passion on his face about his music. This quality can not be given or learned, this is something your born with. We caught up with Raydyant! Check this up and coming artist out!!!

(WGF): Would you compare your style of music to that of old school or newer artists?
(Raydyant): I'm a mixture of both. I listen to more old school hip hop and r&b than new school. Although there are many artist still doing it right, I personally feel music has lost its way simply because of the lack of knowledge and history.

(WGF): What's your take on the controversy regarding hip/hop and rap of today?
(Raydyant): I pretty much touched base on that prior. To add to it I feel that your music and music choice reflects your intellectual level. Meaning if your a moron you'll listen to a moron.

(WGF): What are some experiences in your life that have influenced both your character and your music?
(Raydyant): I grew up in a “don't work, don't eat” type atmosphere. As many may know arts or “hobbies” aren't acknowledged in this zone so its been an up hill battle between life and reality.

(WGF): Are there any charities or causes that if given the opportunity you would like to contribute to?
(Raydyant): Absolutely, pretty much any in the inner city. I have noticed that our kids don't have the opportunities that we did when we were younger. That needs to change.

(WGF): A lot of people have dreams, but not everyone has what it takes to make them come true. What sets you apart from every other aspiring artist or producer? What motivates you to keep moving forward day-to-day?
(Raydyant): My whole life i've felt that i'm much more than what I present and that I have much more potential inside. I like to think of my dreams as visions, cause they all will happen.

(WGF):If you were to hear one of your songs for the first time what about the song would stand out to you?
(Raydyant): The originally and creativity. I don't feel i'm good cause i'm a good writer or composer. i'm good because I write what if feel, I write from the heart

(WGF):Education is necessary to achieve success. Is this a statement you agree with? If so, how has education been beneficial to you?
(Raydyant): Its simple, knowledge is power. You have to have an open mind if you want to be a true MC. You gotta look at it with the glass half empty more knowledge only makes your flow more crispy.

(WGF):An artist gives a piece of his/herself in every work of art. What about you is reflected in your music?
(Raydyant): One word..... EVERYTHING

(WGF):Was there ever a time when you felt like "throwing in the towel", when the road to achieving your goals was to bumpy to travel? How did you overcome that struggle?
(Raydyant): No I never felt that way because fame and fortune isn't my quest, only success. By success I mean music.

(WGF):Why should people listen to your music?

(Raydyant): Because most people feel the same way, and I say what I feel. So by listening to me you will hear your thoughts and or gain knowledge ans encouragement in the process.

(WGF): Last words: (Where to Check you out at.... What are you working on?)
www.Raydyant.com for all inquiries about me. Lets keep supporting good music.
Download my music at www.Raydyant.com/downloads
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